The crisp autumn morning beckons me outdoors. I wander, stopping frequently, as my eye catches unusual patterns, textures and colours. Rock formations intrigue me, water droplets on leaves captivate me and shades of green delight my senses. A few sunlit-dressed leaves still cling to branches while the forest floor is gradually clothed in the previous season's detritus. A Black-capped Chickadee almost lands on me as I watch a Hairy Woodpecker search for insects in decaying wood.
I recall a trip many years ago to the Amalfi Coast in Italy where I was enamoured with unusual doors. I began photographing their uniqueness. A man walking by stopped and asked what I was doing. I told him that I found the doors intriguing. Later in the day, he saw me again and told me that he, too, was now really looking at doors. I have always seen my role as encouraging people to see. So it is with this in mind that I am sharing some photos that I took today.
While enjoying this nature adventure, I think about COVID-19 and how many people are anxious and depressed. I also start thinking about sharing my nature experiences in order to provide hope and beauty and a respite from the darkness. Years ago, I wrote articles about nature, sharing my passion. It is time to do it again. I welcome your thoughts and questions. My readers' comments have always been an inspiration to me and fired my creativity.